Center Trail
Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Barataria Preserve
Chef Emile's Visitor's Center Trail Log
May 26, 2008
Visitor's Center Trail is more of a walk rather than a trail. It is completely
decked so it is wheel chair and baby stroller accessible. The decking is
built only 10" - 12" above the water line, so you can get up close and personal
with the plants, bugs, reptiles and amphibians! There are plenty of wooden
benches along the way for people to sit and enjoy the swamp. And I do mean
enjoy, it is quite an experience.
swamp is ALIVE with life! The sounds of bull frogs croaking, birds chipping and
"things" rustlin' in the weeds. I would suggest to
bring some mosquito repellant and some water, even in May there are bugs and it
is HOT!
The Trail is only .25 miles long and in that short distance
you see how the swamp turns to marsh with plenty of flowering plants, frogs and
even BIGGER things! Many
people's first thought of a swamp is how bad it smells, but that is not true.
There really is no unpleasant smell. I think that is because you are not
disturbing the mud beneath the water. That is where much of decay occurs. The
pic on the left shows that much of the water is covered with Duck Weed and there
are several stands of Cypress Knees. These are the root systems where the
root actually grows upright and out of the ground.
I was a kid my dad went out into the swamp, cut them at the waterline, then
peeled the bark from the knee, then varnish the hard wood and made a lamp!
The swamp has many flowers, one of the most prolific is the Pickerelweed (pic on right) there are several stands of this throughout the park. Quite beautiful!
There are sooooo many things to see in the trees along the trail. We saw
this gray squirrel (pictured left, on the branch between the two cypress
trees), three GIANT black and red woodpeckers, many smaller (unidentified)
birds and hundreds of dragonflies.
Ann was taking this pic of the dragonfly that had
lighted just beyond the deck, she was leaning over, when we discovered this
5 foot alligator just under her feet.
The couple we saw along the trail said that they had
talked to the Park Ranger and he said that they probably wouldn't see an
alligator along this trail. At the end of our walk we went into the
Visitor's Center and chatted with him. He did confide that people had
reported this alligator before!
Frogs were everywhere! The croaking was a beautiful noise!
And in the water were literally millions of tadpoles! From my trails taken
in the Palm Springs Deserts and Texas you are looking for life signs, in
Louisiana you are surrounded by abundant life.
The Visitor's Center Trail ends with a beautiful view of a true South Louisiana
Marsh! This panorama overlooks acres of purple water irises. I would suggest
that you view the Google Map below by clicking on the Hybrid view,
Visitor's Center Trail intersects the Palmetto Trail. This trail has
been closed since Katrina. That is a travesty! The Palmetto
Trail was one of the most popular trails in the park. It was totally decked
and ran northwest ward about a mile then intersected the Bayou Coquille
Trail. The park is owned and
by the Feds. If they can't come up with the money to fix their own property,
how can local citizens be chastised on not fixing their property timely,
was lying in the water, just inches from the deck. Then it decided to
calmly crawl away! WOW!
you can clearly see that at the bottom left of our track the swamp opens up to
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Chef Emile L. Stieffel, Aurora Catering, Inc.
email address:
4016 Red Cypress Dr., Harvey, LA 70058 Phone (504) -329-1344
Copyright © 1995 - 2008 [Aurora Catering, Inc.]. All
rights reserved.
Revised: December 20, 2011.