KAMR - TV Appearance
Studio 4
Amarillo, Texas
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
was a TV appearance that was just MEANT to be!!
We had plans to do the show live on KAMR's, Studio 4 Wednesday so that we could promote the WT (West Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University) "Buff's of the Bayou II Gala" and the classes that I was going to teach on Thursday.
WELL, with 3 hours of airline delays in Dallas, rescheduling forced us to tape the show for presentation on Thursday. DAMN!
SOOOO, Ollie Sims, of Aramark had to prep everything for me,
drive to Amarillo and get my ingredients ready for the taping time
at 5:30pm. We needed to tape at that time because they had their news show
live for 6pm.
Let me tell ya, not much time!! My plane touched
down at 4:35pm, Karen (the wife of WT's President Pat O'Brien) picked me up and
we rushed straight to the studio at 5pm!!
The plan was to tape a 4 - 5 segment cooking Crawfish Etouffee while promoting the "Buffs on the Bayou II" gala.
Ms Meaghan Collier is the producer/host of the Studio 4 show.
We had MANY emails and phone conversations, when we got on camera it was like we
knew each other for decades! WOW, what a GREAT professional she is!!
She wrote this article
about our plans for the class.
In just 30 minutes, I set up everything, made my roux and cooked the veggies..... Now ready!!! we rolled tape at 5:35 and got the segment in one take!! Watch the clip! HERE AND Meaghan and I are STILL friends on Facebook!
In the final wrap up segment, Mr. Andy Justus joined us to make and drink a Sazerac Cocktail.!!! Recipe Click HERE
Watch TV Personality, Andy Justus do a shot of a Sazerac Cocktail! OMG!
The whole thing was just meant to be! Thanks to EVERYONE!!
Contact us for further details....ChefEmile@CustomCatering.net
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Chef Emile L. Stieffel, Aurora Catering, Inc. email address: ChefEmile@CustomCatering.net
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Revised: August 20, 2012