Aurora Catering's

Dessert Descriptions

(Just click on the Title and it will take you to our description)


Angel Food Cake Topped with Strawberries and Melon
Apple Cobbler
Apples and Oranges
Assorted Fresh Pastries
Banana Crème Pudding
Bananas Foster with Vanilla Ice Cream
Bird's Nest with Chocolate/Rum Sauce
Biscotti (Italian Sweet Cookies)
Blueberry Muffins
Bourbon St. Pecan Pie
Bread Pudding with Spiced Rum Sauce
Buttered Pop Corn
Candy Bars
Chocolate Bread Pudding
Chocolate Brownies
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Chocolate Nemesis
Chocolate Pudding
Chocolate Raspberry Bash
Christmas Cookies
Cookies and Cream Ice Cream with Hot Chocolate Sauce
Crème Mousse au Chocolate
Custom Cake
Dark Chocolate Ecstasy Cake
Fresh Fruit Compote
Fresh Fruit Salad
Glazed and Crème Filled Donuts
Heath Bar Crunch Pie
Homestyle Apple Pie
Ice Cream
Ice Cream Bar Assortment
Italian Ice
Key Lime Pie
King Cake
Mandarin Chocolate Cheesecake
Mouse Ears
New York Cheesecake with Fudge Chocolate
Nuts and Chocolate
Orange Sherbet
Peach Cobbler
Pineapple Upside-down Cake
Pound Cake
Southern Pecan Pie
Strawberries and Chocolate
The Banana Republic
The Flower Pot
Vine Ripened Fruits and Dips
Watermelon Slices


                             Angel Food Cake Topped with Strawberries and Melon

                    Fresh Ponchatoulla strawberries and melon slices are the topping to this heavenly dessert.

                                                                                Apple Cobbler

                                   Apples, cinnamon, butter and nutmeg make this cobbler stick to ya ribs!!

                                                                         Apples and Oranges

                                   They say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," so we will supply you

                                                         with fresh delicious apples and sweet oranges.

                                                                   Assorted Fresh Pastries

                                      Assorted Fresh Pastries to include: Croissants, Mini-Muffins, Danish

                                                                       Banana Crème Pudding

                              The base for our banana pudding is a layer of vanilla wafers smothered in our

                           crème de banana filling.  We then top our pudding with fresh banana medallions.

                            The secret to our crème filling is that we use Crème De Banana Liqueur for flavor.

                                               Bananas Foster with Vanilla Ice Cream

                               We cook our Bananas Foster the traditional way with Plantains, brown sugar,

                                 butter, and rum. We proudly serve America's favorite ice cream as the base

                                                                             for this low calorie dish.

                                                 Bird's Nest with Chocolate/Rum Sauce

                                 Angel hair pasta, burgundy (dark semi-sweet) chocolate, ricotta cheese, and

                                       roasted pecans are just some of the unusual ingredients for this very

                                                                                     elegant dessert.

                                                      Biscotti (Italian Sweet Cookies)

                                                                         The Italians do dessert right!

                                          This is a hard cookie, flavored with almonds and plenty of sugar!

                                                                           Blueberry Muffins

                                  Chocked full of plump juicy blueberries and baked to a golden brown, our

                                                    muffins will make your mother jealous of our recipe.

                                                                     Bourbon St. Pecan Pie

                                 A jazzy combination in the true New Orleans tradition!  Mammoth toasted

                                     pecan halves layered ia an intoxicating filling mellowed with the rich,

                                    smooth flavor of Jim Beam Bourbon.... then nestled in our buttery crust.

                                                                 Guaranteed to win a standing ovation!

                                                  Bread Pudding with Spiced Rum Sauce

                                 The traditional dessert for a South Louisiana meal served with our Captain

                                                                          Morgan Spiced Rum Sauce.

                                                                           Buttered Pop Corn

                                    There's nothing quite like the smell of fresh popped pop corn, It's that it

                                   reminds you of lost childhood and fun times.  Our pop corn machine will

                                                      pop mountains of buttered pop corn for your event.

                                                                                    Candy Bars

                                Candy bars offer quick energy and are the perfect dessert for a picnic lunch.

                                                                   Chocolate Bread Pudding

                                                  Semi Sweet Dark Chocolate Chips are the "Seasonings"

                                                We also add heavy whipping cream, butter and mounds of

                                           Louisiana cane sugar to our French Bread based Bread Pudding.

                                                    We top the dish with our spiced rum and egg sauce!!!

                                                                         Chocolate Brownies

                            Custom Catering's own fresh fudge chocolate brownies full of pecans, chocolate,

                                                                               and farm fresh butter!

                                                                     Chocolate Chip Cookie

                                       Our large chocolate chip cookie is packed with what ya want most!!!

                                                                      GIANT CHOCOLATE CHIPS!!!

                                                                           Chocolate Nemesis

                                   Sometimes we disguise our desire to indulge in that perfect thick slab of

                                  deep dark bittersweet chocolate ... we love and hate it, and it torments us.

                                     Lavished with ripples of chocolate shaved and whipped cream draped.

                                                                           Chocolate Pudding

                           Our rich and creamy dark chocolate pudding is the perfect ending to a great meal.

                                                                 Chocolate Raspberry Bash

                                 A tango of dark and white chocolate on a brownie shortbread crust, strewn

                                 with truffled cream cheese and red-luscious ripe raspberries.  Disguised in

                 a halo of white chocolate whipped cream,  this devilish dessert will fulfill your darkest desires.

                                                                           Christmas Cookies

                               These festive sugar cookies are decorated in bright reds and greens and make

                                                               that perfect bite sized treet,  Ho Ho Ho!!

                           Cookies and Cream Ice Cream with Hot Chocolate Sauce

                                                 Cookies and Cream Ice Cream is the base for our dessert

                                                 with heat chocolate fudge syrup and smother the dessert

                                                          whipped topping and a cherry finish the dish!

                                                                Creme Mousse au Chocolate

                                  Many people judge restaurants and chefs by the quality of their chocolate

                                  mousse; that rich, light, whipped cream dessert.  We are very proud of our

                                chocolate mousse, lightly fluffed with shavings of semisweet dark chocolate.

                                                                                   Custom Cake

                                                   You may choose from a wide variety of cakes available

                                                 this traditional dessert will serve as a lovely centerpiece

                                                         for family and friends throughout you function.

                                                             Dark Chocolate Ecstasy Cake

                                    This three layer cake is a mountain of the finest dark chocolate, it is the

                                                  "Original" fudge cake and is a true chocoholic's delight.

                                                                     DESSERT CREPE STATION

                                                                              (Served Buffet Style)

                                                                                 Dessert Crepes

                  Our Chef will fill your crepes with fresh fruit compotes, sour cream, and whipped cream mousse.

                                                  The crepes are completed by flaming them with brandy!

                                                                   DESSERT SELECTION TABLE

                                                         Bread Pudding with Spiced Rum Sauce

                                                       The traditional dessert for a South Louisiana meal

                                                     served with our Captain Morgan Spiced Rum Sauce

                                                                       Doberge and Confections

                                                         Doberge cakes are multi level cakes filled with

         chocolate, pina colada, and Amaretto pudding fillings we also supply and assortment of éclairs and petitfores.

                                                                        Fresh Fruit Compote

                                  Oranges, apples, and cantaloupes are sliced off the rind then added to our

                                              compote of brandy and selected liqueurs and seasonal fruit.

                                                                           Fresh Fruit Salad

                                      Start or finish your meal with freshly sliced fruit.  We choose fruits of

                                the season including oranges, apples, melons, and bananas; all swimming in

                                                                        our Cajun country cane syrup.

                                                         Glazed and Crème Filled Donuts

                               What an eye opener!  We will supply both plain and chocolate glazed donuts,

                                                    along with our favorite jelly and crème filled donuts.

                                                                       Heath Bar Crunch Pie

                                    The ultimate dessert fix!  The buttery sweet crunch of Heath Bar toffee,

                                       covered in smooth milk chocolate tops off this dangerously delicious

                                             dessert!  A golden short-bread crust, covered with bittersweet

                                 chocolate, is filled to the brim with an intoxicating cream-cheesy concoction

                                   spiked with Devonshire Cream Liqueur...  So deliciously sinful it should

                                                                                  be declared illegal!

                                                                        Homestyle Apple Pie

          Plenty of fresh apples, butter, and plenty of cinnamon make our apple pie Mom's favorite.

                                                                                      Ice Cream

                                                  You Scream, I Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream!!!!!!

                                                                 Ice Cream Bar Assortment

                           You Scream, I Scream, We all Scream for ICE CREAM!!!! Our assortment includes

                                Drumsticks, Popsicles, Fudgesicles, Ice Cream Sandwiches, and many more.

                                                                                   Italian Ice

                                           Italian Ice is the next best thing to a snowball without the mess.

                                            It comes pre-packaged in 4 great flavors. Cherry, Watermelon,

                                                                 Orange and Lemon. It doesn't melt all

                                                                                    over your hands.

                                                                                  Key Lime Pie

                                     A Florida Bell glancing up from beneath a Lacy White Whipped Cream

                                                   Parasol to reveal her refreshing tart lime appeal and a

                                                        buttery yet firm Victorian Graham cracker crust.

                                                                                      King Cake

                                       Tradition has it that if you get "The Baby" you have to throw the next

                                   party, so ya better be careful in your selection of slices!!  Our King Cakes

                                           are filled with cheese and flavored with cinnamon and nutmeg.

                                                          Mandarin Chocolate Cheesecake

                                      An utterly unique and delicious blend of flavors - a layer of chocolate

                              fudge cake- a layer of fresh Mandarin Orange Marmalade - filled with creamy

                                                                 cheesecake, and enrobed in chocolate.

                                                                                    Mouse Ears

                                 Creamy vanilla ice cream with "mouse ears" of chocolate coating, these are

                                                       great for kids of all ages, M I C K E Y  M O U S E.

                                           New York Cheesecake with Fudge Chocolate

                                   A fresh slice of creamy cheesecake topped with chocolate fudge.  Oh the

                                                                                calories, Oh so good!!

                                                                         Nuts and Chocolate

                                          Roasted cashews, pecan halves, peanuts and other assorted nut

             bricks of semi-sweet dark and white chocolate are presented, just chop off a piece of heaven!

                                                                               Orange Sherbet

                                  The perfect mid meal course or, of course the final course.  We will supply

                                                        a lite orange ice sherbet with a fresh orange ring!

                                                                                Peach Cobbler

                                Cling peaches, cinnamon, sugar, and nutmeg are just some of the ingredients

                                                         which go into our golden brown peach cobbler.

                                                              Pineapple Upside-down Cake

                                Plenty of pineapples and brown sugar line the bottom of a cake pan then our

                             light vanilla and almond seasoned batter is added and baked to a golden brown.

                                                         And that's the base for this topsy-turvy dessert.

                                                                                    Pound Cake

                                    Our pound cake is made with plenty of eggs, milk and butter.  Baked to

                                                           a golden brown with the traditional spilt top.

                                                                         Southern Pecan Pie

                            We make our pecan pies with fresh pecan halves, brown sugar, vanilla, and rum.

             We also add heavy whipping cream to our pies just before baking to give them a rich creamy consistency.

                                                              Strawberries and Chocolate

                                                     Fresh strawberries dipped in a rich chocolate sauce.

                                                                        The Banana Republic

                     Tropical "Banana Trees" are formed from pineapple skins and real banana tree tops.

                        Seasonal fruits are cubed and skewed on kabobs,  then displayed on the tree trunks!

                                                                               The Flower Pot

                                    Our specially dessert, we fill a red clay pot with ice cream and hazelnut

                                           liqueur, then top it with ground Oreo Cookies and a silk flower.

                                                            Vine Ripened Fruits and Dips

                                                        Hand selected fruits of the season are displayed

                                                          with a hot fudge peppermint schnapps fondue.

                                             Strawberry, banana and raspberry yogurts complete the table.

                                                                           Watermelon Slices

                    The summertime is the perfect time of the year to be cooled by slices of fresh watermelon.

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Chef Emile L. Stieffel, Aurora Catering, Inc. email address:
Copyright © 1995 Aurora Catering, Inc. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 03, 1996.