Blind Side
World Premier After Party
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I was able to sneak out of the College of Engineering's Awards Banquet, get set
up and WAIT! The party started an hour and a half LATE! My feet hurt for
days after! So....before the event, the guys from Muriel's Restaurant took
this pic for me. BUT.... When it got started we were slammed!
OK, my fault!! I wasn't able to take pictures. The place was PACKED!!
Sandra Bullock was about 12 feet from my table for about 30 minutes, but there
were 50 people between us!! It was crazy!
At the end of the party I did get to chat with actor Quinton Aaron.
My friend, Frank Stansbury graciously supplied the pic of actor and myself!
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Revised: November 21, 2016.